a love list for my future self
playing in the leaves with camera on self-timer
Dear Future Sarah,
On the occasion of your birthday this weekend I made you a list. Things that you have learned in recent times, things that have kept you grounded and things that spark joy. When your memory starts to go in your old age just take a peek back and see what worked for you in your mid-forties. We all could use a little cheat sheet after all.
So … in no particular order here are some things to keep in mind as you move forward in life:
Objects in motion stay in motion. Keep moving. Keep putting one foot in front of the other even when you don’t want to. You can never get stuck as long as you are in motion.
Swearing is perfectly acceptable. Always. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Move your body for at least thirty minutes a day. Get the workout in. Get out for a hike. As the old Nike slogan says “Just Do It”. You, Sarah, are a nicer person to everyone around you when you have got your sweat on each day.
Zits happen in your mid-forties. Get over it. (but seriously, what the actual F*%&?!)
Hug often. Hug always. I’m talking the hold tight and breathe together squeezey type of hug. The energy shared is magic.
Teenagers are the best. They aren’t always easy but they are awesome. Laugh at dinner. Dance wildly together in the car. Fart with confidence (they are stinky boys after all). Hang out. You are building the foundation for your relationship with your boys in the years to come.
Ask for what you want in life. Always. As Wayne Gretzky said: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. Take the damn shot. Just ask.
This too shall pass. Always. Nothing is permanent.
Wearing hiking boots and leopard print flats in the same day is totally a thing. You can be covered in mud one minute and classy the next.
Be nice to your body. It has carried you through a lot. Feed it well. Fill it with water. Avoid the things you know will make it grumpy. The occasional indulgence is encouraged but make it a treat, a whoopsie you might say, and get back on track the next day.
Put the reps in. You aren’t going to get what you want by sitting on your butt, Sarah. All it takes is one rep. Then another. Then another. Keep going.
Sleep is your superpower. You know how to sleep soundly and anywhere. If the day has been crap go to bed. Things are always better in the morning.
When you are stressed ask yourself what is the worst thing that could happen. It is never as bad as it seems and there is always a way forward.
Let loose once in a while and dance your ass off. Bonus points if you find a stage or table to dance on.
If something is bothering you or has made you mad wait 24 hours before reacting. Gather your thoughts. Think about what you really want to say. When you speak in anger the message is lost.
You thrive when you consistently rock your morning routine. Get up early. Meditate. Stretch. Journal. Watch the sunrise.
Keep doing things that scare you. Growth doesn’t happen when you are comfortable.
Be silly. Be playful. Laugh until you cry and pee your pants. Let that big smile loose.
The word “should” is a swear word. Never use it in a sentence from this moment forward.
At the end of the day the only thing you can control in life is how you act and how you react. Control what you can. Life will unfold as it may.
Love hard. Be kind. Be curious. Be unapologetically you.
Sarah of the Here and Now
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