In our noisy world focus is something we all want more of, right? 

Or, is it just me? 

I read that Demosthenes, an ancient Greek orator, built himself a cave so he could focus on his speaking craft without interruptions. He shaved half his head so he wouldn't be tempted to leave. He also hung a sword just above his shoulder so that if he moved awkwardly it would prick him and remind him to stay on track and shift back into position.

To be clear ... I am not suggesting that you lock yourself away in a cave to stay focused (although some days that is appealing!). 

But, there are tools that can help when you need to get things done and you are a mind-wandering, constantly interrupted, human. 

On a week when distraction got the better of me, I needed a reminder of tools to stay focused. Instead of keeping these ideas to myself, I thought I'd share my favourites with you!

What do you do to manage distraction?