the book … it’s coming

Over the summer I shared that I am writing a book. If I am being totally honest, I am still feeling holy crap-ish about the whole thing but the more people I tell, the more it feels real.

So, what the heck is The Book about?

The Book (title to come!) chronicles how habits and routine have shaped me both consciously and unconsciously throughout my life. It's about how I have used the power of habit to calm chaos and navigate life’s inevitable storms. In The Book, I share actionable tools on how others can leverage the power of habit too.

Habits that support me have always been a part of my life.

I have often been told, "oh Sarah, you are so organized". The truth is, I get excited when I can see through the complexities of a situation, simplify things and find a way. Everything has a place in my home. Even when it seems messy it can easily be put back together. I nerd out on packing list templates and the strict routine of napping babies and colour-coded clothing is what got me through the early years with twins.

Why am I like this? Am I a control freak? It might seem that way at first glance. For the longest time, I didn’t really think about why I did what I did. I just knew that if I had well-developed habits in place I could move through life with ease. I could handle anything. 

My mind would be clear and calm. 

I also knew that when things weren't working it felt like the world around me would spin. I would lose things. I would miss deadlines. I was late. I couldn’t think. I was tired. I was grumpy. I couldn’t focus. I didn’t get things done. I'd be miserable. And, by extension … everyone around me would be miserable too.

When things spun out of control, invariably something in life would smack me down forcing a reset. Health issues, challenges as a parent and issues at work are but a few examples. I have come to learn things will always happen in life but when the foundation is strong I can recover and reset quicker.  

Habits are the foundation I use to weather storms and move forward in life. 

Who is The Book for?

As my kids got older the predictable structure of bedtimes, meals and activities no longer dominated my day. I began to question what the heck I was doing in life. Was the Sarah before kids even there anymore? What was next for me? 

I wrote this book because it was what I needed to find on the bookshelves a few years ago. 

  • A book about how to calm the noise in life, listen to my own thoughts and trust my intuition.

  • A book about how to use habits intentionally to do the things I want to do.

  • And, a book to remind me that even if I don't get it right the first time I get the chance to wake up and try again each day.

I hope there might be a nugget or two that will help you do what you want to do in life. And, if not, that's okay! 

Over the coming months, I will be sharing more ideas about how to leverage the power of habit to walk forward in life. Stay tuned for more!

In the meantime, I will leave you will one of my biggest a-ha moments to date:

< --- Consistency Wins --- > 

When you routinely focus on what you want and who you want to be, you will move forward in life even when progress seems slow.

Play the long game ... one consistent step at a time.

Have you thought about how you use habits in your life to move through chaotic times? I’d love to know!

PS - Periodically I share essays and other notes you might like. I would love it if you took a minute to subscribe for more.


on new beginnings


taming the chaos of grad week