on january

It's the time of year when you've stopped greeting people with "Happy New Year". Holiday decorations are packed away. The streets are darker as Christmas lights are turned off. And, the sun still sets early and the nights are long.

January can be a bleh month. I find myself seeking comfort food, comfort TV and the cosy comfort of my bed. My hot water bottle, named Lucy, is my best friend at this time of year. It can feel like a monumental effort to get my butt out the door and go for a walk. Too many layers of clothing to put on!

This year I can feel the tug and pull. On one hand, I have clarity about what I am going to do over the coming months. I'm excited and motivated to keep going. I've got a plan.

I can see in my mind what the future looks like.

And yet, as day falls to night I can feel myself wanting to tuck into my bed at 6 pm. I will have plans to go for a mid-day walk and the day gets away from me. I look at my get-to-do list and feel a pang of overwhelm. What have I signed myself up for, I think? I fight the urge to turtle and surface again when the days are warm and light.

No, I say to myself. Not this year. Not now. I'm not willing to let all the hard work of the past months go to waste. I want to build on the momentum of what I've started. I look at the vision board posted at my desk and I can see all the good that lies ahead.

F-You January darkness. You aren't going to win.

I pause. I close my eyes. I take a deep breath. And a long exhale. After a few rounds of deep breaths, I remind myself of the habits that work to keep me moving forward even when the darkness rears its ugly head:

  • I make a simple plan for the day. What are the 3 Things I am going to do? Anything else I get done is gravy.

  • I make sure I have something social scheduled for the week. Even when I want to turtle and be anti-social seeing people gets me out of my own head and gives me energy. Who wants to hike with me next week?

  • I move my body for 30 minutes every day. This is non-negotiable. Even when I'm not feeling 100% I move.

  • I honour the season. Winter is, after all, a time of hibernation and rest. As darkness falls I light candles, I make nourishing soups and stews and I go to bed early.

  • I'm extra kind to myself. If I have an off day I go to bed and start again tomorrow. The gift of a reset.

Where I live we have had record days of dull and dreary. My sunglasses are collecting dust from the lack of use. I find myself humming "The sun will come out, tomorrow!" from Annie. Dramatic? Perhaps. But like the seasons I know that this too shall pass. And I know what I need to do to help ease the darkness of January into the light of the months ahead.

I hope this note finds you feeling sunny wherever you are. And, if it is in a grey climate like where I find myself perhaps one of the tools I've listed might help you walk forward too.

PS - I made a fun video with a book update and shared it on Instagram

PPS - more book news coming. If you know anyone who wants to know more they can subscribe here so they don't miss a thing!


on keeping it simple


on the year ahead